Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Something momentous and important

# Chapter 92

If you aspire to create or achieve anything of substance or importance (we are not talking about a media room in your basement) then there will be obstacles and challenges. If there were no obstacles and challenges then someone else would have created or achieved your objective long ago. They however, decided that the dream or idea was not worth the pain and cost and difficulty. You on the other hand have decided to move forward and give it your best. Then know on the front end that this important difficult thing will have plenty of potholes, surprises, bumps, detours, costs, learning curves, disappointments, crashes, demands and labors and struggles. And more.

Your primary strategy is to overcome every obstacle and reach your objective. Your tactics will include going around, under, through and over each one of these hurtles. You will grow and cry and change and learn and break and stand tall in this process. These deep dreams that we reach for, shape us in so many ways. These are unavoidable developments along the path of life when we aspire to impose big changes on the world, because these things are usually in deep intractable patterns and processes that are highly resistant to outside pressures and influences - in other words, they push back. Thats ok, this will be one of the key signs that you are aspiring to change something momentous and important. Spending a ton of money on putting together your media room for yourself in your basement, doesn’t matter at all and neither does it push back.