The knock-down limit

# Chapter 93

As we said yesterday, you are going to face challenges, difficulties, setbacks, hardships, disappointments, tears, changes and more, if you aspire to do something important and to change the world. You will get knocked down and turned around and twisted. You will face opposition and problems of the gigantic sort. Every single entrepreneur and change agent in the history of mankind has faced these same types of obstacles and processes. What separates the unsuccessful from the successful, what differentiates between the ones we read about in history books and those we have never heard of is one thing only - the resilience to get back up when knocked down. That tenacity is the key piece that keeps putting you back in the contest over and over.

Of course everyone has a knock-down limit and perhaps yours is small. Don’t feel bad, most people have a very small knock-down limit. They can’t recover often or from deep wounds. The ones who can - they are often the history-making, change-the-world, distruptors-to-the-status-quo types that we read about and that we want to be like. But ok, many aren’t and that is just the way that it is, but if you want to join the few, the proud, the world-changers, then you are gonna want to work on your resilience factors.

We go to see movies with stories about indefatigable heroes who just keep getting back into the fray no matter how many times they get crushed. They find a path back into contention and power. They want to matter more than they want to lie down and die from their injuries. Yes yes, how much something hurts in a movie and how much something hurts in real life is drastically different, and at the same time the difference you make in the world is drastically higher than what any movie can ever make.