Filling our calendars

# Chapter 94

There is a human tendency to stack and rack so much into every day that it can’t possibly be done, and we do this on purpose over and over again. Even on a day off like yesterday, I went from one task to the next event without pause. Like clockwork I filled the day from beginning to end. On a weekend day!! Now why would I do that, even if almost all of the things I filled it with would be considered leisurely or non-critical things?

Well there are multiple answers to that question, the number one around here is that if I don’t fill the schedule someone else will. In this instant it is simply a matter of having control of my day. The second answer to that question is that I filled the day with those “leisurely” activities because that is when others can do those things with me, because it is their weekend day too. At least two of the things on the schedule yesterday generally can only be scheduled on a Saturday or Sunday. The third possible answer is that there is just so much I want to engage in and this is the first day all week that I did not have pressing work work to be doing. And the fourth answer is that I can’t stand to let a moment of life go silent and still and non-structured. This last one is unhealthy and unacceptable. The rest makes sense, stop obsessing over it. It was a grand day, extra full, but wonderful.