Get it done!

# Chapter 115

You just need to make it happen as Micheal Jordan would say. Things need to get done, events need to happen, you are the one who will make it happen or it will not happen. This is just all too accurate and real life for most of us. And you are not the only one, not by far. My wife can put us both to shame with her make it happen ability. She can get it done better than most. I find that I can do this more and more as I get older and older. I don’t know what it is about age that makes this easier, but I can tell you that I had very little “get it done” or “make it happen” when I was younger. For some reason I was more focused on shortcuts than getting it done or making it happen. Rather than letting the work itself shape me and move me and form its own gifts, I was always looking for a shortcut. To what purpose I cannot tell you, other than I was probably wanting to get back to the book that I was reading at the moment. Never could stomach reading interruptions very well.

But what age has to do with or not, I can get the workout finished, I can get the client letters completed, I can rake the leaves for two hours and finish the job, I can accomplish what I begin rather than starting 10,000 projects and finishing none of them. I can make it happen. You can too. And we both should. I will, what about you?