Don’t wait

# Chapter 133

Don’t wait any longer, now is the time. The future is closer than ever and there is less of it too. So get to it and stop waiting for . . . whatever. Far too often we find ourselves waiting and waiting and waiting. Said another way, we procrastinate, we defer, we delay, we get distracted, we get overwhelmed, we don’t want to put ourselves out there, we are afraid, and we wait. We have more than we should already on our plates and it is all too easy to just ride that normal too-busy-with-too-much-to-do pace than we like to throttle our lives with, instead of taking that new step, making that way more important decision to take action on, instead of doing what could change your world and change your future. Don’t wait any longer.

The most difficult thing I ever did in my adult working life, was resign from my company where I had worked for 23 years in four different countries. When I finally finally finally did pull the trigger and leave, it felt very threatening. Fast forward one year later and I was scratching my head wondering why in the world did it take me so long to leave?? I could have been free from that toxicity and free to choose my own path so much sooner. But it is frankly much much easier to stay with your status quo, rather than gain your freedom. Taking action on your future is tough and the best most important thing you can do right now. The future is closer than ever. Stop waiting. Take action.