Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Nutella and peanut butter

# Chapter 131

Honey, Nutella and peanut butter are all the rage at our house this morning, and most mornings. It is the sugar rush that gets our days started and our motors humming. All that sugar is probably hastening our ends as well, but what a sweet manner in which to go. Much better than the strictly vegetarian manner in which we eat most of the time. Either way we are moving toward our finish and that can be healthy and whole or unhealthy and struggling every step of the way. But you have to sprinkle the day with some treats and spikes so that you can have some pleasure points along the way. There are plenty of reasons to do this, as well as some reasons not to do this, because my dental hygiene doesn’t like this as well.

In a world where there are raging viruses shutting down the world it seems, friends dying left and right, funerals to attend, sicknesses to worry about, broken bones to navigate, elder care to do, travel to arrange, multiple currency worries, retirement worries, don’t listen to the news! This is not a Ben and Jerry’s binge suggestion, but more a have-a-few-high-points-in-the-day suggestion. We need to keep our attitudes and outlooks bright and serve others. Not becoming obsessed with all the worries that are available to us. Those worries aren’t going anywhere, they will be right there waiting for you anytime you need a fresh worry to mull over. I think the Nuttela and peanut butter are a much better foundation with which to consider our concerns, than life without them.