Live it!

# Chapter 130

Another person is gone. Nothing like death to make life feel all the more precious and important. It is critical to your well being to live well today and change the world around you, change you, move forward, make progress, be fully alive. Living is an active event, not a passive one and you have to engage and live it, not just let it happen to you. This may not look the same for each of us because we are all so vibrantly different while being amazingly similar, but what “living it” means will change from person to person. And you have any difficulty at all understanding what “living it” means for you, then you have not yet begun to do so. You need to look deep within and think hard and understand what it is that drives you and makes you tick. That is the essence of “living it” for you.

Once you know what your “living it” is, then you have do it and I am astonished at how many struggle with that. The noise of the daily world and the pressures you feel distract you from living it at all, much less living it well. Living it well is a celebration of life and a full engagement in this moment that you have been given. This is all you have, and it is all you need, and honestly it is all you could manage on your best day. Live it!