# Chapter 207
Like Emerson pointed out, most of our shadows in life are of our own making. Reaching the goal of being 100% responsible for what happens in your life is the path to countering this weird phenomena. All the shadows we bring into our lives, envy, jealousy, discontent, disharmony, avarice, plus the way we live, overeating, poor nutrition choices, no exercise, no solid sleep patterns, too much drinking and more - its only a wonder that we don’t live in utter darkness much less shadows. But these are all shadows that we could dispel and that we could counter. So why don’t we???
When we could choose joy and hope and love and kindness and generosity and eating well and working out and moderation and have few shadows in our lives, so why don’t we? Do we actually like the shadows? I think there is something true about this, that we actually prefer the shadows because it permits us far more easily to NOT take 100% responsibility for us. Responsibility avoidance is perhaps the driving factor for why we choose the shadowlands? Could it really be that simple and that empty? Out of an abundance of character deficiency and laziness we choose lives filled and driven by shadows? There is one part of me that is thinking, “no way” and there is another part of me that is looking around and seeing what surrounds me and thinking, “yeah that could be the most straightforward answer to shadowland living.” Emerson saw something similar and wrote prose about for which he is famous. While fame is nothing I chase, shadow-free living is most definitely a goal.