The correct small stones
# Chapter 200
Trying to find the right small stones to move my mountain. This is more difficult than I thought it would be. Analysis paralysis is not something that I have had to struggle with very often - until now. It is burning my feet at the moment. I can’t get a grip on what the primary issues are and so I am stuck in the doldrums looking for definitive traction on the right problem so that I am certain I am moving the correct mountain. If you are like me, there are pretty much endless mountains to choose from, you want the MIT mountain of the moment. While this MIT mountain of the moment is usually clearly apparent and obvious, not so this time. Sifting through peaks is not fun. They can be fun from a visual breathtaking vista point of view, but there is no fun in the lack of clarity view.
I mean do you focus on your health or your job? Your spouse or your mental health? Your kids or your grandkids? The termites or the leaking roof? The broken window or the toilet that won’t flush? No these aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive choices, just providing some food for thought in the comparison minefield. Given choices like these I think most of us would struggle to know which one to tackle first. Given close proximity choices like these plays havoc with your priority pyramid of decision making. Your accustomed clarity is absent and paralysis results. Paralysis on a scale rarely encountered in my short 60 years. I think the last time I felt like this was back in my early 20’s.