The leader controls the pace of the business

# Chapter 222

A business never outpaces the leader. Masterminds

This is the synergistic reality that the leader is the fuel or the engine or the oxygen of the business. I am not sure which metaphor is the correct one here, but if a car is the basic metaphor, then its not going anywhere fast without fuel, engine or oxygen. But not only does a business never outpace it’s leader, meaning it can’t grow or develop beyond the leader, it also gets it’s energy and enthusiasm from the leader. It gets it’s inspiration and creativity from the leader. It gets it’s competence and skills from the leader. Or leaders. We have been using “the leader” but the business will develop to the point of leaders if “the leader” has that capacity. More leaders will be added as needed by “the leader” because nobody does everything well.

But this is actually a call to development more than a statement of capacity. That is why they used the word outpaces, which presumes movement and change and progress. Basically I think everyone needs development, especially me. That is why I take courses, learn new concepts, read voraciously, and approach each situation as a learning experience rather than a command situation. When I discover that clients think they cannot or will not learn more, then they aren’t clients much longer. That kind of arrogance and hubris is for playgrounds, not life and business. Too much at stake here, too many people and the people they care for are at risk.

In the business consulting that we do, we gauge the capacity of the business largely by gauging the capacity of the leader. Enough said.