The right good people

# Chapter 232

Don’t tell me it’s hard to get good people if you’re not out actively looking for them. - Masterminds

Continuing the theme from yesterday about talent and finding it, there is one huge assumption here, that there are good people out there. Not moral people, but talented people, that is the “good” we are talking about here. But as I pointed out in the previous chapter, even if they have talent or experience (you can decide which is more valuable in your field of expertise) and you hire them, that doesn’t mean they will fit your culture or work with your existing team well, or not bring endless drama to your office. All the entrepreneurs I know and work with, assume and think that people with talent, education and experience will automatically bring value to them and their business. I have observed that this happens occasionally, but it is far from a certain thing. So my conclusion on this one is that you need the right good people, not just talented people.

Then there are the non-entrepreneurs who can’t get anyone to come and work for them, because the work is hard heavy and dirty. These kinds of jobs need tenacity and a willingness to get dirty, more than talent per se. Yet every single job in the world has those who do it, and then those who do it with elegance or class or expertise that makes everyone else’s effort seem less desirable. I don’t know about you, but I want my doctor to have talent, my dentist to have talent, my mechanic to have talent, my bodyman to have talent, my roofer to have talent, my computer tech to have talent. Go find them.