
# Chapter 235

Demand a great attitude from yourself and your people. - Masterminds

I like this, but I don’t. I like that we look for people with a great attitude, those people help everyone soar. I married my wife because she always has a great attitude. In fact her nickname is PollyAnna! So I get this I really do, to a point. But PollyAnna is also sitting here at the breakfast table this morning trying to get me to have joy in my heart because it finally warmed up to 40 degrees!! I want 94 or 84 degrees, not 40! No amount of cajoling on her part is gonna make me feel warm. Putting on more clothes (which I just did!) is not going to make me have a great attitude about the damn cold weather!

Oh don’t get me wrong, I am going to make the best of it. I will enjoy every moment of the sunshine that I can. I will get on my bicycle and ride out there and soak up all the vitamin D I can get. But dressing like an eskimo in order to do that is not going to put a silly grin of happiness on my face. So if making the best of every situation equals a great attitude and I think it does, then I am all in. If you expect me to be unreasonably happy about things I genuine dislike in order to consider me having a great attitude, then get used to disappointment. I don’t wear masks like that any longer. On the other hand neither will I or do I spread my dislike. I am just going to be quiet. I am an introvert after all and so I am not expected to say stuff all the time. I will not be evangelistic about how I feel, but neither can you.