A reflection of leadership

# Chapter 240

Culture reflects leadership. - Masterminds

As I am sitting here thinking about this, I am torn between agreeing with it and to what extent. Said another way, despots and dictators have as much influence as do saviors and inspirational figures. They can lead and the culture will reflect some/most of that leadership. Brenda and I were reading Russian newspapers last night and it was enlightening to see that the Press there is portraying the Russian invasion of Ukraine as a stratagem to save Ukrainians from themselves. We think of this a pure political propaganda. The media report in Russia can’t bear the weight of factual scrutiny. Yet the same thing happens here in the USA when Fox News reports or implies that the last presidential election was stolen, it can’t bear the weight of factual scrutiny. The facts don’t agree with the media report. These kinds of cultural propaganda that can be found everywhere, ignoring the facts, reinterpreting what the ignored facts really mean, creating a narrative that lives only in a bubble and deeply appeals to the political or religious or social desires of a segment of the population, are actually mirrors showing what a culture we have. Our limitations here are a reflection of us.

And so where does leadership fit into this social construct we call culture? Regardless of whether we are discussing politics, religion, economics, guns, social norms, work environments, education, pick your field of study, but leadership inspires or discourages, enables or restricts, provides freedom or produces fear, gives hope or despair, is the mechanism for justice and legislation as well as execution of these matters (at the political level). Leadership can lead to a better culture or it can reflect what culture is in place. You have some decisions today.