The sad truth is . . .
# Chapter 224
Make your people better people, and you will make your business better. - Masterminds.
Now this is the development mindset I love. This the truest statement you can make about your people and your business. This is not any great leap in imagination, this is just common sense. Yet practically no one does it. Some make motions at it, but in my 46 years in the work force, I have never received any viable development that was actually helpful (to me or the business) in any way. Common sense that no one does is waste. The real and actual experience that I have had with development in the workplace is that the pieces eventually just became another control mechanism that some boss somewhere was gonna use to force compliance on some issue. Even simple evaluative tools and basic feedback tools were eventually brought back to the table and used as weapons or tools to manipulate and control.
Every hard skill and competence that I have developed in the last 46 years, I did at my own initiative. As I write that, it almost brings tears to my eyes it is so sad. Finally 14 years ago I started my own company and decided that since I was doing the work and I was doing the development of me, I just as well reap the benefits of that. So I am. And so are others.
If you want to make your business great, make your people great. One warning here though, don’t expect your development of them to engender some great and awesome loyalty, and that they will stay with you forever if you send them to a course to get better. If your workplace sucks, they are still gonna leave.