
# Chapter 261

Vision creates alignment. - Masterminds

To continue from yesterday, seeing is your primary tool or lever to make this easier. Vision is seeing. Seeing a preferred or different future. Seeing a change. Seeing justice. Seeing peace. Seeing the possibilities of what could be. Seeing something more or better than exists today. Seeing something different than the current reality everyone is experiencing. This is vision. Vision is your superpower. Vision is the tool, the wrench that helps you make alignment happen.

Vision has been properly executed when it enables us all to see the direction we are moving, the future we are reaching for, the needed actions to get there, the part we play in making it happen, the cost and effort of delivering this future, what can be different, what could be better, what can bring our wishes into reality, what success will be! Vision has other names: dreams, hopes, fantasy, plans, imagination and more. Most of all it is a change of perception, a different perspective, the changing of how we see what is before us and beyond.

So when you and I as the leaders cast or share a compelling vision that is readily embraced by our teams, that is one of the most powerful moments of alignment. It literally morphs your group from one thing into another thing - that can reach your collective goals. You are aligned! Vision moved you there!