Wait until they do something important

# Chapter 271

Celebrate when new employees join the company – be 100% ready to get them going strong from the beginning. - Masterminds

This is a twisted continuation from yesterday’s chapter. But I am probably the only person that sees that irony. Having processes and systems in place to get newbies off and running is just definitely smart business. And more importantly it will deflect and reduce the previous chapter’s subject, of letting the unhappy and unhelpful go somewhere else. But I am personally ambivalent about celebration for new people, I would rather celebrate when they do something important or significant. Celebrating their arrival makes celebration meaningless and unimportant, especially if these celebrated individuals become the ones you help out the door tomorrow.

Onboarding people is important, hear me well, and if you have hired well then you need to have the tools in place to help them be in the right seat on the right bus so that they can make their best contribution. On the other hand, you can’t expect people to walk in the door and knock it out of the park without reference points and helps. Your systems are not going to be the same as what they had at their previous org. Make some transitions possible and easy for them. This will make life easier for everyone.