# Chapter 267
Get to know your employees personally and get to know their families. - Masterminds
This is the path or the tool to accomplishing the previous chapter. And I personally think this chapter should have come before the previous chapter, but I did not do the Mastermind compilation and therefore I did not put these in this order. But if you ever plan to connect emotionally with your peeps, then this one is non-negotiable. You will never be able to empathize and understand what is going on outside of work that affects work unless you know at least the basics about spouse child and parent. Of course this is of limited value, knowing that Barbie has a soccer game on Thursday is of little help to either you or your employee. However if you go and watch the game and cheer for Barbie, now that is another category altogether! If you decide to become the coach of Barbie’s team, that would be two more categories higher. There is clearly a scale here, as in most things in life.
This opening statement almost implies friendship. Those are the only people you are gonna let close to your family anyways, right? But a scale for sure, and I honestly have no idea where on the scale Masterminds intends for you to be. I can say this, if you are responsible for lots of people (more than 25) then you are going to have an impossible time doing this. I think this could only possibly work on small teams with long histories and curious, inquisitive, and helpful leaders.