What you need to see clearly

# Chapter 287

You should know what the cash in your business is every day. - Masterminds

This is something to can easily get confused about, thinking that you are a plumbing business, when in fact the majority of your revenue comes from draining cleaning. This is something that can surprise you, your most idiotic field tech is actually your biggest revenue producer annually. This is something that you believe will bring in the people, but when you look at the hard math one year later, you realize that it cost you far far more than it brought you. These are all real stories from actual clients, or personal experiences. Knowing where your cash is coming from, or what it is being effectively spent on are not flashing neon light clear in your business, whether you are a plumbing company or a church. Unless you are a math whiz or actually handle accounts receivable in your org, you may well need outside eyes to help you see this clearly. But then outside eyes are rarely trusted in my experience, even when the outside eyes are not trying to tell you how to run your business, just showing you where the cash is coming in or going out.

You also need to clearly understand what you are investing in, to keep track of your cash in your business. That should have clued my plumber client into the fact that drain cleaning was his cash cow, and brought understanding to the fact that he needed multiple high definition cameras, very very expensive HD cameras, in order to be the premier drain cleaning business in this county. It was money well spent. One camera was paid for by the first job it was used on!