Distance isn’t any more
# Chapter 299
Distance is almost irrelevant in the modern world. I flew East over 5000 miles last week. Away from elder care, away from the cares and worries of south central Pennsylvania and how are we gonna keep living there, away from the worries about my kids and my grandkids, away from the worries about our old car and how much longer will it hold up, away from the noise in my house and my dad’s house, away from the worries of my responsibilities there, away from the constant demands and needs of those around me, away from the political insanity in America and the gun violence, away from all of that and more.
But almost nothing changed. Yes I am currently living and working in a far different country and language and situation than I was five days ago, but my dad still demands his hour on the phone, I still hear about everything going on with all the kids and grands and the challenges of that, I still read about what is going on in America, still am appalled that people want their guns more than they want their children to be safe, still aware of all that was going on in that life there in America and being asked to stay involved and responsible from 5000 miles away. Its the beautiful disaster of an interconnected world. There is literally no place you can go and get away unless you are willing and able to turn off every electronic device you own and do the hermit gig.
Far from being a place of peace and quiet, I have just added the relationships and responsibilities of this place to the one I left. Distance is all but irrelevant.