
# Chapter 307

As you can see I did not get back to it. I did the the bare minimum of every action, and the maximum I could manage of each relationship. It worked out good. You need to give yourself that margin after an ocean crossing at 60 years of age. It certainly is not as easy as it once seemed. The physical demands and the mental demands seem to be more. I am not sure I believe that is true, I believe the answer is more likely along the lines of I have less to give and my shallow well is more depleted from such things than before. While I am an experiential expert in long distance travel, I am not a scientist studying such matters in the lab. I have a well experienced habit and nothing more.

But it never ceases to astonish me how much a good night sleep will put many things back to right. Sleep gives the bounty of energy and clear thought and possibility and emotional equilibrium and tolerance for stress, and that the sleep-deprived or the jet-lagged person simply cannot accomplish. Rest resets all these necessary pieces inside of you. I got almost 10 hours last night and would gladly choose to do so night after night if I could stay asleep that long. Each one of those “extra hours” of sleep are worth gold the following day, in terms of possibilities and potential and productivity. I have made larger changes in my day to day life for the sake of sleep, than I have for any other endeavor. It is that important.