
# Chapter 314

There are so many ways to connect today, it is an exciting time in history to be alive and grow and develop. Yesterday I listened to three podcasts about business development, and I plan to listen to more later today. And then I have an online meeting today with an old friend and current co-worker who is many miles away, but not very far at all with technology. All these possibilities! It is just breath-taking and awesome and we don’t utilize it nearly enough. We remain under-developed because we don’t capitalize on these tools and opportunities nearly enough. Instead we allow distractions and busy work to creep into our flow and keep us from doing the harder work of sitting down and focusing on the important rather than the urgent, or loud, or flashy, or eye-catching. The quality of our attention is in such a sad state of affair, constantly flitting from one attention grabbing moment to the next one that comes along eight seconds later, thus reducing us to goldfish level intelligence for all that we produce.

We were made for more. As we move closer and closer to the attention-span of a gnat, we are less and less. Only you and only me can choose to change this, to make a different decision and go a different path. To decide to develop ourselves, to engage in leadership material and leadership challenges in our orgs. To be all in on seeing our places of work and our missions succeed and grow. To have the chance to pass it along to others and serve them in ways that few served us. To be more than we are today, to have a reach and influence that is leveraged through brilliance and diligence. To have as large a footprint as we possibly can.