It costs less than you think and offers more than you know
# Chapter 316
There I did it, I choose that tradeoff over the other one, and I am so glad that I did. You can never ever calculate what the outcomes are gonna be. There are those things that you THINK are going to occur when you make this choice over that choice, but it rarely works the way that you think it will. And at least half the time, something unexpected and wonderful happens, instead of the price that you were expecting to pay by making this choice. Yes yes the pay off is there regardless as a matter of course, but half the time, something special or unusual or better than expected happens and it transforms the entire experience. Only half the time. The other half of the time you get what you thought you might and sometimes even less, but the other half! Wow.
Yesterday I started a fishing trip with a buddy and it started off plenty challenging, and ended up being spectacular! I would have lost so much if I had opted for the more pressing urgent loud tradeoff, rather than the important tradeoff. Read that sentence again. I would have lost so much if I had opted for the more pressing urgent loud tradeoff, rather than the important tradeoff. And this is what these last two chapters have been about, choosing the important over the loud urgent pressing option that usually sucks you in. It is very difficult to fight this trend in our lives. Yes there are always possible negative tradeoffs that you really don’t want to pay, but then there are those magical moments that make it worth 10 times what you invested in the decision. Choose the important consistently over the urgent and you will reap these same benefits that I am listing here.