Peace and quiet - rare
# Chapter 321
A little peace and quiet? It doesn’t happen often in my world and I bet it doesn’t happen in your world very much either. Our house is generally chaos and a party all thrown into one 24/7. So a few days of alone time is very rare. Not answering the phone, not even looking at the phone and am physically separated from it as well. This is very necessary if real peace and quiet is going to happen in your life ever. Yes I am writing on the computer, peace and quiet don’t mean I stopped thinking nor that I want to record what I have been thinking about. But I am sitting in my back yard, having a cigar and a sparkling water and where there is no noise and no grandkids and no wife and no conversation and no elder care today.
It is on a day like this that you can think about meaning, you can think about what matters, you can think about the legacy that you wish to leave behind, the life that you want to live today, the trip you want to take at Christmas, the nature and results of your life effort’s, your music and your next band gig, or forming your band, or getting a massage, or funeral that is happening half way across the country that led to you having this moment of quiet and peace, or the bed you are going to sleep in tonight, or the week you just had, or the communion you have with your god, or the just the stillness of this moment. In other words, you can think for a change. A little peace and quiet can go a long way toward important things.