What kind of neighbor are you?

# Chapter 320

People are what make the difference. It is coming up on the two year anniversary of Gene’s death, the man who owned this house before us, and his brother and sister-in-law live right across the street from us and they are processing that event and that life again in a heavy fashion right now. It led to an impromptu couple of hours of hanging out in the back yard, eating strawberry short cake, reminiscing about how they sold us this house and talking about what kind of neighbors we are - evidently we are the good kind.

As I sit here and think about what kind of neighbor we are, I am trying to figure out what exactly makes us good neighbors in these dear people’s minds?? Is it our willingness to help when they are doing something? Is it our thankfulness for their kindnesses? Is it actually how little we disturb them?? Is it the fact that we fed them when they had COVID? Is it that we took care of their critters when they were out of town? Perhaps that Brenda made her killer brownies and we took them over there? Is it that we keep the yard nice and they have an enjoyable visual experience out their windows?

They sold us the house at a loss. The deal was off market and quiet. They gave us all the furniture that their brother had, which was incredible from our perspective because we didn’t have any furniture, just a couple of suitcases of stuff since we were moving from Eastern Europe to the American Northeast, in the middle of a worldwide pandemic. Whatever the reasons, people make the difference, of that I am sure. What do your neighbors think about you?