Look for the waves

# Chapter 309

Battles and struggles are just a standard part of life, but there are also cycles of intensity that happen as well. This is not a matter of if, but of when. And yet we find ourselves so unprepared and unready. These things seem to happen in waves, concentrated, and then a pause, and then another wave. I think most people experience this pattern from what I can see. Death and sickness comes to us all, and there is a pattern. Perhaps the pattern doesn’t interest you, or seem important to you, but patterns help me usually with my anticipation.

This week is a wave, two acquaintances passed away and we are reeling from the suddenness of it, and my sister-in-law was diagnosed with kidney disease, which seemed to have come out of the blue with zero notice. This is why anticipation is so important, to prepare a proper response so that we can be the best friends and the best helps we can possibly be, and not be so overwhelmed as to be useless in these difficult situations. Its hard enough when you are a bit prepared, its disastrous when you don’t see it coming at all.

Yes these are just emotional states of being, a mental position that can allow you to be strong for others and yourself. Strength matters in these battles and struggles because someone has to bear the weight of what others are going through, someone has to share that load whether they want to or not. Read the signs, look for the waves, prepare yourself, you can do this.