Energy Flow

# Chapter 311

The sharpest moment of the day, when everything is most alive and vibrant. You need to understand when those moments are for you during the course of the day and you need to capitalize on them, and make them work for you. For me, they are right now, immediately following breakfast filled with protein, with hot hot coffee and chocolate of some form sitting beside me! And if by chance you can add a little quiet to this moment (which doesn’t happen very often), then it can be supercharged! It’s that time of day when you think the clearest and with the least effort. It’s that time of day when you can corral your focus and get lost in a single project. It’s that time of day when you can get the most done in the shortest time frames, accomplish the maximum per minute that your day will afford. It’s the time of day when you have the most control over your attention! You are powerful and can block out all distractions at this time of the day and in your work cycle.

As you get older this becomes more important and more powerful if you are wise enough to harness these moments. This is essentially managing your energy flow throughout the day rather than focusing on the clock per se, because my best moments are usually way way before any clocks get involved. 9-5 definitely would not fall within my best moments of the day. But everyone is different and has varying energy cycles. You need to know and understand your energy flow, to be the best version of you every day.