Chapter 344
Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it." ~ Andy Rooney
Well I don’t know about the all the happiness part, but definitely all the growth occurs while pushing yourself to your limits. Maybe you are all happy about the growth you are experiencing, but mostly for me at least, I am just too tired to be happy. And honestly I thought the happiness part would come when we got to the top of the mountain we were slogging up. I mean, at least the climb is over! That’s something to be very happy about, right??
And who gets to live on the top of the mountain? Most people are forever only and always climbing and slogging. Heck I know lots of peeps that have never even seen the top of the mountain! Much less live there.
It is fair to say that most of need to live and enjoy and experience the now present of where we are right now. That does not mean we fail to make goals or progress toward the top of the mountain, but we live and experience the right now of where we find ourselves as we journey forward. Living in the future is very problematic. However goals and plans are also necessary to give us impetus and energy to keep moving.
Find your balance and your rhythm and enjoy. And who knows, maybe we will pop out on the mountain top today!