Improbably - the bridge
Chapter 345
"So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable." ~ Christopher Reeve
That is quite the transition and mostly it happens in your head before you ever work it out in real life. You have to dream it and think it and do it in your mind and imagination before it can happen. When you first think of it, first dream of it, first imagine it, moving from impossible to improbable is a huge step. Perhaps the most difficult step of all is staying in the game from impossible to improbable. It’s when things seem most unlikely to ever become a reality and that is why we call it impossible.
But for me, steady actions and pressure on the impossible often yield at the very least, improbable situations. I am pretty sure my current weight, my current job, my current life, my current finances were all highly improbable 10 years ago. They were impossible 20 years ago. You see the point? Honestly that is exactly how it happened, steady actions and pressure on the impossible. That moved us to the highly improbable. Now we are at . . . ?
Well the inevitable of course. My life is unbelievably different than it was 20 years ago. And not all of that is positive, and the dreams change as the circumstances of life do. Look at the Superman quote above. It was made by the actor who played the role of Superman, and he was so famous rich and well off, but then? But he didn’t falter, and his dreams didn’t either.