Road kill

Chapter 270

"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." ~ Will Rogers

While there are times to just sit there, you can read yesterday’s chapter about that, most of the time, a lack of proactive energy to move you down the right track, will be a lack of stellar results. And Will Rogers is correct, in that other’s coming down your track will run over you if you keep sitting there. Get moving! I see lots of blogs from people I love and respect like Bernie and Seth urging you to publish, make, do, put it out there, less than perfect precise finished production, because they know too many perfectionists who will dawdle until the dawn of the next era before actual shipping anything.

I on the other hand, know too many lazy people. I am one too. Who regularly are filled with inertia and get nothing done. We lazy bones are not the endless polishers of perfection demanding that our work be just so before anyone else sees what we are producing. No we are liable to put out any form of unimaginable junk you hope to never see again, because we got started so late if we got started at all. While I personally have never done this, because I am more afraid of criticism than I am lazy, I can spot a Saturday-night-sermon-prep from 10,000 miles away. I can spot shoddy work in church from across the globe. If you know an area of work, then you can spot other lazybones from across the globe.

The point here is to get moving forward, and aim high. 

The only other choice is to get out of the way.