“Better than TV!”

Chapter 30

Beautiful day yesterday. A 40 mile bike ride, and a six mile walk, outside most of the day, just lovely. And my niece is here and she joined me on the hike, and we had a great sweaty wonderful time up and down the mountain. And the view was not bad either. Only negative was that there were far too many people up there, a bit noisy and plenty dusty as most Americans drive it instead of walking it. You just miss so much in life from the inside of a car. You lose all that tactile feel of the breeze blowing over your skin, the sun sharing its warmth, the rain on my face yesterday morning. A car takes away all those pieces and “protects” you from them.

Its the same way that TV “protects” you from life. Instead of digging in deep and living your own life, the vast majority would much prefer to watch it on TV, rather than live it. Or maybe its the other way around, that people do so little living, that TV dramas are far superior to our actual lives. That is a shame, and does not have to be. We can choose to lives that are much better than anything on TV. It makes me chuckle when I remember one Sunday morning after I spoke in church, that these three college aged girls came up to me and gushing about how my life “was better than TV.” I know they think they were paying me a compliment, but in reality they were telling me of the emptiness of their lives. 

Turn off the TV. Get moving. Start living.