Take the power!

Chapter 29

The hurricane is flowing East, and so I need to go West, at least that is what I thinking this morning. You always need to strategize an exit plan. It won’t happen if you don’t. Making no decision is still a decision within itself. No action is still a choice of direction and has consequences like any other decision.  Far better to own this and than to mentally punt it. Punting will not relieve the pressure, not really, because the ball is still in play and you have to participate.

This goes against our grain as adults, we long for the childhood days where we actually could get out from under the consequences of our actions or inactions. But those days are in the far distant past and this is once again, only a delay tactic, thinking about how it used to be. Wishing for it again. Its not and won’t and can’t and will not be. Today is today and its a very different today than yesterday was. Adult up! Own it. Put your skin into it. Don’t let inertia and laziness and weakness put you in a worse position. Go for it instead. Shape and change your situation to benefit you and your objectives. While you may not have enough power and influence to shape it perfectly, you generally can always influence what is happening around you and the situation of the moment. 

Take that power and use it. Build more of it. Stay engaged. Turn off the TV.