No monochrome world please
# Chapter 266
Which path are you on? We often think that everyone has to be on the same path that we are on, or they are simply lost and don’t know what they want and where they are going. I don’t know why we think and want everyone else to be on the same path that we are, it would make the world a very boring place were it so. There is no harmony if we are all singing the same note. Perhaps it is just our mental insecurities that drive us to attempt to pull everyone we encounter down the same rabbit hole we choose to live in? Its like we are trying to force a confirmation bias here, where if everyone can be like us it makes us ok? It proves that we have chosen the superior path?
I don’t know why we are so intent on making this a monochrome world, but that does nothing for the first question of the day, which path are you on? Which path have you chosen to follow and why? What is it about this path that resonates with you so deeply? What factors led you to decide this way? Many of us chose paths that are similar to the paths our parents led, or at the very least not opposed to the paths that they followed. Its what we know, it feels comfortable, and who doesn’t wish for the parents approval? Others chose the most opposing path they can find, as far from their parents point of view as they can get. This is their statement of what they believe they experienced in the home they grew up in.
Brenda and I have always had great relationships with our parents and we do not have any form of oppositional viewpoints with them. But my brother grew up in the same home and he ended up far far from my parents point of view without being angry or hurt or injured in some way in the process of life. So this question of which path are you on and why is so important, because it shapes your life and how you live it and experience most of it. It ultimately gives you your “why” for living.