Retiring my thinking

Chapter 66

Retiring my thinking. My old thinking that is, because new thinking is required in the new coronavirusworld. This event has changed our lives, our work, our futures and definitely our present. If I hold on to the way I thought before, I will doom myself to being a mental cripple in this new world. Time to retire my thinking. Time to retire your thinking.

Retire your thinking about work. This whole remote working model isn’t going away. Get use to it. I have been doing for the last 10 years and it is mostly the best thing ever. To me the one major drawback is that it is nearly impossible to turn off work once you are fully engaged in the remote work world. I recommend an annual ocean cruise without WiFi for at least one week. Super excellent . And no one can find you!

Retire your thinking about hanging out with people. I was trying to remodel this prior to COVID 19, with limited success. I am trying to hang with people without food being the center piece around which we do this. I don’t eat after lunch is over so I can only do food at breakfast or lunch. As a mostly introverted person I don’t want to see another person before 10 am and certainly don’t want to be or feel social at breakfast. I am still struggling with how to do this one successfully. I have made the jump but others haven’t.

Retire your thinking about the present and future. They are never gonna be what you once expected. Retire and realign.