All in?

Chapter 65

All in or not? When you believe in something, how deeply do you believe it and commit to it? My commitments and my beliefs can be terribly shallow and superficial. I am owning up to this, in an effort to dig in deeper and be all in. I am not even sure what that means any longer, but I am trying to find out. I want to see if it can resolve these blistering dilemmas in my life, especially the commitments to my dad and my wife. These are the two most important people in my life and the ones that I am most responsible to and for.

I am more than ok with this part because I love them both and they are both easy to love. I enjoy spending time with both of them and making both of them happy and content. I love helping them accomplish their goals and wishes in life. I love seeing them both getting all the life that they want and more. I want them both to be healthy and whole. I want to be a key part of both of their lives.

But they are rarely on the same part of the planet at the same time. Currently they are only 675 miles apart, rather than their standard 5012 miles miles apart. And I am talking literal miles here, not metaphorical distance. They genuinely like one another and enjoy spending time together, but neither have the slightest interest in living where the other person wants to live. 

And I am caught in the middle, literally.

Can being “all in” change this too?