New days

# Chapter 125

It’s a new day. Yesterday was tough, the whole week seemed difficult. But its a new day, with new possibilities and potential. But it is a strain to focus on those and embrace them because you are tired and worn out. And so many different people and organizations want your attention, its exhausting and wearying. (Hint here, turn off all electronics and they can’t find you, and if that thought panics you, then you aren’t desperate enough).

I was working on a project yesterday that took all my focus and all of my coworkers focus, and it was stressful for my 30 year old co-worker to ignore the endless pings and dings of our phones, even the ones on my phone! But our hands were full and our attention demanded, and the electronic cues of the modern world are so ubiquitous and constant that it is hard to create space between the world of focused attention, and the world of distraction. Electronics aren’t the bad guy here, just get control of them, so that they don’t control you. You may have another type of distraction that is keeping you from embracing your new day filled with possibilities and potential.

Or this new day could be an opportunity to continue working on a bigger project or event that you have committed yourself to. A chance to dig deeply into that work flow again. Whatever you want to accomplish you can do it on this new day.