Forces like me

# Chapter 333

Slow down. That is what I need to do. That is likely what you need to do. In our endless quest to do more and say yes, our lives are overclocked and out of control. At least mine is for sure. In spite of all that I do to insure that this doesn’t happen, life has a synergy and energy of its own. Mine is particularly energetic as of late! And of course not every out of control schedule and life is solely a result of its own energy, other people put things on my schedule and in my life that create a great deal of tension and friction. Like when I arrived home this week after an exhausting 700 mile trip on the road, only to find that my wife has filled the house with all the grandkids and was trying to have a big family meal together!! I was so overwhelmed that I just had to go outside and walk around.

All of this to show you that we need to slow down and even if we do, that other people will try to speed us up either by accident or by design. Said another way, there are lots of forces trying to speed you up and almost no forces like me, trying to slow you down. Slowing down is the only way to savor what you have in life, to enjoy these moments, to deeply engage these people and events and experiences so that you can live these moments rather than skim these moments. Modern life feels entirely too much like skimming all the time. Time to slow down.