Full house moments
# Chapter 334
The house is full. Every bed has someone sleeping in it and it feels great, and busy and we are at max capacity. This applies to beds and meals and people. Max capacity. It is something you cycle up to, not something you can sustain all the time. The YOLO crowd tries to stay at max capacity all the time and its burning them out left and right. I am not a max capacity sort of person really, I get far more done with steady plodding each day. Showing up each and every day is a better plan for people with my personality and skills. Max capacity is just a recipe for tanking in my world. Oh I can do it for a few days like I am now, but soon I will crash and burn if I have to continue this level of output for long periods of time. In the story of the turtle and the rabbit, I am definitely the turtle.
But at an emotional level, having a full house is a sign of living the high life, being at the peak and offering hospitality to one and all. Its like winning the relational and social lottery! Our place is the place to be!! And all that jazz . . . its not really true, but it does feel like this. We all need full house moments in our lives. They make us feel extra alive and important. These moments help quantify the other moments in our lives. When we look back on our last 27 years overseas, the things the kids remember most are full house moments. When was the last time your place was packed?