Bumps along the way

# Chapter 335

It is a good day to reinvigorate your systems today. Haven’t you noticed that you are slipping and that you need to tighten up your habits and processes? Perhaps you have failed to write each day as committed, gained some weight, missed the gym time, fallen behind in your reading schedule, missed some key markers in your work, failed to finish your chores? Whichever of these and others that you are missing the mark on, these are your blinking warning signs that you need to make some adjustments to your trajectory. Otherwise you and I are clearly going to arrive at some place other than we want and intended.

Mid-course corrections are a stable part of a life that is making forward progress. No one reaches all of their goals in life in a straight line of success, nor in an unwavering consistency of direction and purpose and arrival. We all have bumps along the way that slow us down, slightly alter our direction and speed, and sometimes these bumps become potholes that derail us completely, but that is a different subject than we are discussing today. Today we are talking about the creeping scale, the missed assignment, the failure to perfectly complete what you said/committed to do. Your followthrough is less than ideal.

This requires realignment, consistency in daily practices, recommitment to goals and processes, better followthrough, going to bed each night tired but also a little hungry both for food and success.