
# Chapter 343

Action is required. Inertia is our enemy. This applies pretty much across the board in every area of life. Inertia is powerful though and it will take over your will-power in a heartbeat if you don’t kill it by taking action. Action is bleach and disinfectant to inertia. It will kill it like mold on a wall. Inertia is negative, action is positive. Inertia sucks all the momentum from what needs to be done, Action give momentum to what needs to be done.

Inertia can only be changed or uprooted by an external force and that is what makes it so powerful in our lives. It lies in wait indefinitely and infinitely and will kill everything it touches. And the passivity it grows in our lives is like a toxic flower. This requires a metaphorical hoe and trowel, to uproot this inertia from our lives and dig it up and throw it in the garbage and get on with planting something productive that will move the project forward and better and more efficiently and start a flywheel effect of progress for us. Inertia in our lives prevents this from ever happening at scale. But just a little bit of inertia won’t do us any harm right? Wrong! We need and want scale because we want to do the most good that can be done, we want to change the world as much as we can, because we want to change something at a profound level and depth - scale matters. So even a little bit of poisonous inertia will send everything else the wrong direction. Inertia is the enemy - get moving!