The cadence of the rain
# Chapter 29
Environments and ambiance are two critical factors to producing great work. On this dark wet rainy morning I am sitting on the enclosed porch with a fine mug of coffee and a sweet piece of tech listening to the rain fall around me, alone and with my thoughts, writing and shaping ideas on digital paper. On an ideal morning, a rainy day would be great for sleeping extra, but that did not happen today. So the second great thing that rainy days for good for, are thinking, sitting, writing. There is a certain ambience to a rainy day that no other day can quite replicate. A rainy day is a day for gathering thoughts and reframing them and forming them into something new and special and useful. The gift of that steady dripping on the roof over my head provides a cadence for processing ideas and solving problems and finding solutions.
If my lovely wife weren’t the amazing person that she is, we would have never realized what a wonderful ambience that can be experienced on the porch. There would be no chairs out here in which to relax. There would be no portable table on which to work. There would be no ceiling fan to cool the porch when needed. There would be no inspiring place to sit when I can’t sleep and experience the rain on the roof and the cocooned feeling that this space gives. Environments and ambience are critical factors in having the right space in which to think and produce. What different choices and decisions can you or should you make about your working space? It really makes a huge difference.