
# Chapter 28

What keeps you going? What is the fuel that fires your furnace? What is the excitement that gets you up and going each morning? What is refilling your energy banks? What is cranking you up? What is defining your goals and objectives and plans? Where is this taking you? What partners are you picking up along the way? What is being developed and created in the world? In you? What changes with these actions and these plans?

Whether it is your vision or your mission or your goals and objectives and just an overwhelming need to bring justice to those who have none, you need fuel to keep going day after day, year after year. Structured and regulated fuel works best for most. Passion and outrage are like liquid rocket fuel burned up too quickly. Goals and objectives keep the rest of us mere mortals moving in the right direction for long periods of time. We can structure this and use them like markers in a long journey. They can be milestones of accomplishment and success. As one is completed, another segment in a long process is marked off the list and you are making forward progress. These are milage markers along side of the path you are following or the charge you are leading. You can look back and see how far you have come and you can look ahead and guess what the upcoming path will be like. This vista of completed goals and outcomes keeps me up and energized far longer than does hot passion or outrage. Of course, if you find that you have an unlimited supply of passion or outrage, then please use that freely. Just get up and get it done.